Home Beneficiaries (with JERF) Beneficiaries (without JERF) Interactive Map

Big Tech's Funding of Journalism


This is a project developed by Charis Papaevangelou in collaboration with The Centre for Media, Technology & Democracy of McGill Univeristy meant to track Big Tech's funding on journalism.
Data concern the Facebook Journalism Project (now Meta Journalism Project), that began in 2018 as Facebook's $300 million global investment on news media organizations,
as well as the Google News Initiative, that began in 2019 as Google's global funding program for journalism and which has poured more than $300 million into the industry already.
Data were primarily taken from the FJP's blog (blog entries, press releases, announcements, etc.) and were gathered using basic HTML scraping and a lot of manual work. Some were also found in FJP's partners' sites.
Data are up-to-date until December 2021.

International Beneficiaries

This dataset contains organisations that have participated at least once in a platform funding program, and are counted as a single entry regardless of how many times they might have participated
Google's massive "Journalism Emergency Relief Fund" (JERF) is also included in this dataset. We also provide a dataset excluding JERF below.

International Beneficiaries (Without JERF)

This dataset contains organisations that have participated at least once in a platform funding program, and are counted as a single entry regardless of how many times they might have participated
Google's massive "Journalism Emergency Relief Fund" (JERF) is not included in this dataset to avoid skewing possible findings.

Map of Global Platform Funding for Journalism